Hello, my name is Trevor. Its been too long so I felt like I should introduce myself again just in case anyone forgot. I'm sorry that I had not written sooner but here are my pathetic reasons why I was too lazy to do so.
1. Like a genius I forgot my computer in Aberdeen, SD of all places. South Dakota is also prone to snowstorms so delivery was extremely delayed. I do have some reservations with the delivery system though. I think an illerate monkey could fly a hot air balloon around the world in the time it took my computer to go across the state of Minnesota. What ever happened to the ruggedness of the mailman, through wind, snow and rain anyone? You have become weak Mr. Mailman. You and your posh UGG boots.
2. Because of jet "lag" we have been coming into work a little late and so the percentage of "me" time (blog, facebook, random internet surfing etc...) has greatly shifted to "them" time (work, random google seraching, pulling my hair out etc...). I have not found the time out of pure laziness to fit it into my schedule yet. Facebook messages took precidence, sorry.
This is why I write you today with such vigor. My time away has shown me how much I missed you. Now what have you missed in the meantime?
Tangent: Sometimes I am very inefficient and do a bunch of things at one time. Like right now I went away from writing for over a half and hour to check scores I forget to check earlier. Every blue moon my tactics pay off and today was one of them. I had completely forgotten that GAC played UST last night and I started to get sweaty palms like a little school girl going to the first day of class. When I finally navigated to the website my knocking knees turned into shear jubliation when when I read the score 56-51. Great stuff. On top of the conference baby, its almost like I never left. I worked out with a couple of the guys this summer and I know the preparation they put into this upcoming season and I love it when those kind of people reap big rewards. They deserve it. GAC, GAC, GAC!!
Well I am starting to get short on time and since my computer will arrive later this week I am going to give a buck shot approach on new happenings.
1. It took me around 28 hours without including the time change to get all the way to Werne from Minneapolis. I had a nice surprise when I got to London. "Sir, your flight is cancelled." My thoughts, "well at least I made it to Europe." This was then followed with "Well, the next flight is at 4 this afternoon and we cannot guarantee it wont be cancelled, just watch the screens." My thoughts, "Im hungry but at least I am in Europe. Wait did she say 4 in the afternoon, what the H am I going to do in the London airport for 8 hours." Hello
Tipping Point. Good book by the way.
Fun Surprise: As I was boarding the plane I saw a familiar black man and voila it was Tramaine. That was nice.
2. I missed practice Saturday evening because of my late arrival. Then on Sunday had to play a game against Recklinghausen, a team we had just beaten before I left but probably the best team we had played all year. Taking into account all our foreign players arrived on Saturday, jet leg, and numerous other factors, we played alright. We came back from an 18 point deficit in the second half to cut it to 2 but simply did not have enough power to get over the hump. Fouls and desparate heaves by us late pushed the score back to 15 as a final. The last couple minutes of the game got pretty chippy. Recklinhausen doesnt ever want to shut their mouth so naturally a few altercations occurred.
Word to the wise: If you are winning by a considerable amount and have the ability to run the clock out, DO NOT try and score in the last couple seconds of the game or you will get hammered! Why will you get hammered? Because its disrespectful!
Case and point: A guy tried to score with a few seconds left in the game and I hammered him. There is no way I will be disrespected on our home court. SORRY BUD! It was my fifth foul and a flagrant so I willingly took a seat after a lengthy conversation with one of their players.
3. I hurt my back in the game. I am currently on high doses of ibprofuen and muscle relaxants and I have been limited in practice all week. We will see what this weekend brings.
4. I have so many crazy stories about this game but they will have to wait for another time. I have a meeting to attend.
Good to have you back,