I should probably take a moment to explain the league system in Germany. It is much different than the U.S. Here in Germany basketball is not affiliated with schools like in the States. Here there are club teams. 4 or 5 club teams can all exist in the same city. The league breakdown over here from top to bottom is Budesliga, Pro A, Pro B, 1.Regionallia, 2.Regionallia, Oberliga ect... I guess there are like 6 or 7 different levels. This system is all interconnected. Usually the top team in each league will move up to the next higher league and teams that are last in one league will be bumped down a league. Each league has its own rules on foreign players. Basketball is not as popular in Germany as it is in the U.S. A Bundesliga game (the highest level in Germany) I have been told only attracts around 5000 people a game. Nothing like the huge NBA areas we see.
One thing that I am going to start doing throughout my blogs is add pictures to spice things out and add links to make it easier for the you the reader to get the full experience. I don't kn

Ok, now to get to the actual game. Back to Munster. The gym was packed and fans in Germany take cheering to a whole new level. Drums, confetti, horns, basically anything that makes noise was brought into the gym. From the first possesion I knew this was going to be a battle. This may have been the most physical game I have ever played in. For those you that really know me know that I have played in some physical games throughout high school and college (think: pipestone section championship game or any game in the MIAC during the playoffs) NOW multiple that by two. This game resembles an American Football game. I like to refer to this team as simply a bunch of thugs. They were all a bunch of bruisers who just wanted to push people around. They were not small either. I bet most of their guys were pushing 220. I hit the ground probably ten or more times which is unusual even for me. I had guys pinching me when I posted up and blatantly just shoving in my back on rebounds. Even after one secured a rebound he would have to endure a few slaps before he had the ball secured.
1st Half:
The craziest half of my life. I managed to pick up four fouls in the first half (actually I had five but they forgot to count one of my first ones :) ) At least three of the fouls were absolute ludacris. I feel like european officials have never experienced athleticism before and all blocks were fouls. I was getting called for touchy fouls when I was getting "taken out behind the wood shed for a beat down" on drives and rebounds. After my fourth foul my boy Matt just started screaming at me to get out of the game. Coach then decided it would be a good idea to take me out of the game. I really wasn't complaining because I didn't want to sit on the bench. Well eventhough our offense struggled throughout the first half our defense was good enough to keep us within three.
Side note: I could not make a free throw to save my life, but I was not alone in our team struggled from the line and shot under 40% for the game. If we would have made free throws we could of run away with the game.
I don't know what it was about the first half but everyone from both teams was a little hot. I got into squabbles with the other team on a few different occasions. It was actually kind of amusing because they would try and talk smart in english and it really does work well for one to trash talk in a second language.
2nd Half:
Ivan makes a smart coaching decision and had me sit for the entire third quarter. The team really battled in the third quarter and kept the game close. They played great defense and hit big shots when they needed to. We had a lot young guys step up and make plays for us which was awesome. As long as the game was close I was ok with sitting on the bench. At the beginning of the fourth I got to return to the game. We started to open up a substantial lead, maybe eight or so but this team was extremely dangerous especially from behind the three point line. Inevitably I picked up my fifth foul with about two and a half minutes on a charge about 15 meters from the hoop. Terrible call (of course right? :) )
Side Note: Officials over here LOVE LOVE charges. I have never seen so many offensive fouls in my life. They also love the travel. Everything is a travel. When someone passes to me as I am running I must slap the ball to the ground so that I don't get called for traveling. I can't catch and dribble I have to slap it to the ground. I think they love calling traveling on Americans too. :) Actually I think they love calling everything on Americans. Maybe I am just biased.
Funny Story: After one of our games Tremaine went to one of the officials and asked why the open step was a travel. An open step is when I have the ball with a left foot pivot. I can't go to my right leading with my right foot and dribble as my right foot contacts the ground. I must cross over my left foot with my right and dribble to my left. The ref explained this to Tremaine as unfair to the defender. Basically he is saying people are too slow to stop the open step. The open step is legal in the states and is a great move that works really well. Treamaine and I thought this was amusing that he would say its unfair to the defender.
Back to the game: We struggled with free throws down the stretch and they hit a couple threes to put them within one. Matt sealed the game with his two missed free throws and rebound which can be seen here. (Click on the word here to go to the link; if you ever see an underlined and discolored word click on it because its a link to somewhere). In the previous video you also get to see the crazy celebration we do after each win with our fans. Words do not give justice to this celebration.
The newspaper website also has the article of the game and also pictures along with some video from the game.
Recap: We played subpar but our effort is what really made the difference. We had young guys step up and play really well for us. Our defense is what won the game for us. That was our first test and now we have a couple weeks off of league games and come back with Hagan the other team wanting to move up leagues. We do have a Cup game (I will explain cup games at another time) on Wednesday but I will try and write about that one from Alicante, Spain. I am headed to visit Anna for the weekend. Relax on the beach for a while.
T'schoos from Germany
Hi Trevor,
What an AWESOME recap of the game! I was not real happy to hear that those big pushy bruisers were giving you the business but I was elated to hear that you all pulled off the WIN! YA HOO!!!
The addition of pictures/video was GREAT! Would love to see more of that on your site.
Thank you for including the inside scoop on "what the fans are doing"! At least you don't have idle bored fans they sound happily infected with basketball.
I'm sure you are exhausted and SORE. Some beach time in Spain is well deserved...ENJOY!
Auntie Kristi
I read the first 3 words of the previous comment and knew immediately that it was indeed Kristi writing...
Hey Trevor,
Trying this out to see if I can actually write you a note. I'm ready for some more basketball!!
Wow, my first time blogging!
Great reading what you are writing.
Hope you keep winning.
cousin Patti in CA
Hey Trevor,
Its Nate P, Mike D, and Phil W all on the horn. We all like the posts. Very exciting video too!
We are all just wondering if we can get a detailed recap from the weekend with Anna?
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