We dug ourselves into a hole right from the start. I have to tip my hat to their best player. He had four threes in the first three minutes of the game which were definitely not unguarded and not easy. He just came out hot. Coupled with the fact that we could not put the ball in the hoop to save our lives makes for one bad ice cream sandwich. You know the kind that you forgot about in the freezer and you proceed to pull it out to find it covered in freezer burn. Yet, you still think it could be good on the inside so you shave off the freezer burn and take a bite to find out to your horror that the ice cream sandwich is indeed no good. Yea, that kind of ice cream sandwich.
After a stiff reaming by coach we finally woke up at the end of the first quarter and began to play. I honestly don't know what happened early in the game. We just came out really flat and they made shots early. That is my best explanation for our poor start.
We did end up winning the second and third quarters and managed to cut the lead to under ten a few times. Each time Dorsten would go on a little run to get it back up to 12 or 14. It felt like an insurmountable task and ended up being one in the end. The game ended up being a 99:86 loss. I really believe that we gave everything after the first 7 minutes and we did everything we could to get back in the game. I guess this is just how the cookie crumbles.
I honestly hate losing as anyone that knows me well can attest to most significantly my mother as she has had to endure many a temper tantrums if I did not win at ANYTHING (and I mean ANYTHING). I think I hate losing more than I enjoy winning. Wins disguise weaknesses where losing exposes everything. Hopefully and I mean hopefully we look at those weaknesses in the next week and correct them. We definitely need a good week of practice. Yes, we are talking about practice.
Well my body hurts. Yoga and contrast showers for me!
Peace & Love
On a more happy note we got our first snow in Germany. Its great to have some snow but too bad it doesn't stick around for longer. It did stay long enough for me to pelt Marko with a snow ball though.

hope you like the cookies i baked you though you wont get them till your mom gets there :) they look really yummy and they are only cus i made them myself though :)
<3 Alicia
oh yea i suppose i should also wish you a HAPPY THANKSGIVING! a few days early
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