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Sunday, April 19, 2009

MS Ride 150 - Jim's Jammin' Juicers

I want to start by thanking Liz, my wonerful cousin, for adding Jammin' to our team name. I really think it really completes the name and embodies everything our team is about.

I finally got my act together and everything is set for my first annual MS Ride from Duluth to Minneapolis. The event will take place on June 12-14. Right now I am looking for people to join my team and help me raise $3000 for the MS Society. This is a great excuse to get back on that bike and get back in shape. There is nothing like a 150 mile ride to get one motivated to start exercising again. The best part about this event is that we will be riding as a group. Depending on how big our team gets I would love to organize some training rides this spring and would even be willing to set-up a training plan for anyone interested.

If you cannot ride with me another way for you to help out is to give a donation. The MS society has made it as easy as ever to donate. You can donate electronically online or simply send a check to me made out to the MS Society and I will get it safely delivered. (All of this and easy access to links is explained again below in the letter) If you are looking for some tax breaks for next year this is a great chance as all donations are tax deductible. I have receipts and papers to make sure you get those deductions. I would love to send an email to everyone but I dont have very many email addresses and I know a more diverse group reads my blog.

Here is the email I would send to you if I had your email address:

Dear Friends and Family,

Consider a pledge to end multiple sclerosis and support me during Bike MS: Larkin Hoffman MS 150 Ride 2009.

MS stops people from moving. The National MS Society exists to make sure it doesn’t. Please help by making a donation — large or small — to move closer to a world free of MS. Or, why not join me on the event? Become a participant and side by side, as teammates, we will move together to raise the funds that make a difference.

Whatever you can give will help. I greatly appreciate your support and will keep you posted on my progress.

Trevor Wittwer

Click here to visit my personal page and make a secure, online donation.

To send a donation:

Make all checks payable to:
The National MS Society
Please note my name and Bike MS: Larkin Hoffman MS 150 Ride 2009 on your check.

Mail to:
Trevor Wittwer : 30487 County Hwy 1 : Redwood Falls, MN 56283-2802

Finally if you want to find out a little more about my story dealing with MS check out my personal website for this ride. Also, if you are interested in supporting the cause or would like to hear more about the journey over the next 50+ days post your email address as a comment and I will add you to our email list.

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