Thursday, February 25, 2010
FC Hollywood took the floor Saturday evening in Herford after a week hiatus. Flashing.....lights...wait FC Hollywood? Who is FC Hollywood? Well, TV Werne 03 was dubbed FC Hollywood by an anonymous Herford writer who was responsible for putting together the game program. This can most likely be attributed to the show fans get when they come watch TV Werne. With such good looking guys like Aaron, Heptner and Manske deep ball of Haywood whats not to like. Oh, and we can't forget the dribble drive of Freienstein.
Tonight was nothing short of a best seller. Multiple dunks, long range threes, and fluid ball movement left no one in attendance disappointed. Basketball purest saw the execution, the spacing, and the crisp motion. Thrillseekers got their fill of alley-oops, put back dunks, And 1s, and breakaway slams.
The week off was prevalent throughout the first quarter. TVW look unfocused and made numerous uncharacteristic mistakes. Simply put, they looked a little rusty. To be completey honest, they simply couldn't pass nor catch the ball (essential elements of basketball). If was almost like the ball was covered in this green monster slim that made it impossible to catch, or our hands were disconnect from our brains. If you cant pass or catch your chances of scoring are pretty slim to none and slim left town a long time ago.
After a stern warning from Rosic of TVW, they saw the light of Hollywood and decided to give the fans everything they paid for. FC Hollywood, I mean TVW, would not score less than 30 points per quarter in the next three and call it a day finished with a convincing 111-57 victory. I will have the game film up soon but it will have a password on it for security reasons. If you would like to watch just shoot me and email or facebook message and I will give you the password. I will use the same password for every film from now on.
Great all-around victory. I gotta keep it a little short this week as I got things to do. Check out newspaper articles here, here and here.
Lovin' Life
P.S. My men's team got a good win this week as well (without its coach because he had a game in Herford). Thanks Andre for coaching.
Friday, February 19, 2010
Newspaper Article: SHOW ME THE MONEY
Spring is in the air, at least between the rain drops it is. All the snow has melted and I am back to a dreary world. Good thing I take my vitamin D. Speaking of Vitamin D, it is going to be the next biggest thing since fish oil (i hope i dont need to talk to you about taking fish oil). Its actually not even a vitamin but a steroid hormone. Get your levels checked and optimize baby, your physical, mental, and emotional states will thank you. All the info you need to know is right HERE
Wundergut Morgen Werne (Yes, I know “wundergut” is not a word in the dictionary but I invented it last weekend and I like it so sue me.)
I would first like to place a clause on my writing today. I cannot take credit for coming up with this idea. I stole it from a Facebook message my cousin, King David, sent me earlier today. The scenario he proposed and his evaluation prompted my writing today. The writing is original, the idea is not so much.
If you had 1 billion dollars and you spent 1000 dollars a day, how long would it take you to spend all your money? Take a second to think about it.
2749 YEARS.
Think about it, that is well over 35 lifetimes. Now, if you spend 1000 a day everyday of your life until you were 70, how much money would you need?
25.2 million dollars.
Yes 25.2 million dollars seems like a lot of money. Explain to me then how people who are making this or even a quarter of this are going broke? Believe me, it is happening all around you everyday.
I can only think of one explanation pure greed (and probably a terrible financial advisor).
People get caught up in the who’s who in life and imprisoned by shiny things. They live outside their means. On the outside everything looks great, big house and nice car, but on the inside is turmoil. Getting caught up in the never ending cycle of debt, things, and wants is very easy and extremely debilitating.
In my short time here on this earth I have come to a few conclusions. I would rather do the job of my dreams and make little than hate my job and make a lot. I believe the money will come if the passion and persistence is there.
It’s the everyday things in life that add up to a lot. Everyone loves hitting the jackpot but true joy comes from the mastery of everyday things. It comes from the people we come into contact with everyday; it comes from our families, our spouse, or our best friend. It comes from overcoming obstacles, facing adversity, or learning a new skill. That piece of paper issued by the government is simply a tool, not an end all be all.
Let your passions be your guide and not your paycheck. You make the money don’t let it make you.
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Does Karneval mean anything to you?
" that a guy....dressed up like a girl.....wearing his own skinny jeans" gasped an astonished Mr. Aaron as we pass a few Karneval goers.
If anyone has seen the NBA commercials "where amazing happens" you might know where this is going.
KARNEVAL...where guys can dress up like girls but dont have to change their jeans...HAPPENS
I really wish I had the actual picture here but we will have to work with what we got. Visualize the above picture and the guy is wearing a long curly wig, a flamboyant hat, and make-up. Now you have the idea... multiple that by a magnitude of ten...enhance...enhance...enhance...enhance...there ya go thats the image I am looking for.
I think my bro Trapper described Karnevel the best, really got to the heart of it, when he prophecied about the pinnacle of the celebration which is Rosenmontag "Rosenmonatag means rose monday, or is a corrupted version of rasenmontag meaning crazy monday and either way it is the moday preceeding ash wednesday and the start of lent. Its the highlight of karneval and the german version of Mardigras..........But in laymans terms quite literally means "PARTY!!!!!!"
Well done Trap, I couldn't have put it more elegantly myself.
A wise man once told me that Germany has five seasons: Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter, and Karneval. I would like to counter this statement with it has only four: Oktoberfest, SimJÜ, Karneval, and Rain. When each season ends the countdown to the next begins except for the rain thats an everyday, all year round thing. It is simply the glue that holds everything together I guess. Comic relief...maybe.
Since this part of Germany shuts down completely after work Thursday and reopens again on Wednesday we did not have a game this weekend. We had a different itinerary.
If anyone has seen the NBA commercials "where amazing happens" you might know where this is going.
KARNEVAL...where guys can dress up like girls but dont have to change their jeans...HAPPENS
I really wish I had the actual picture here but we will have to work with what we got. Visualize the above picture and the guy is wearing a long curly wig, a flamboyant hat, and make-up. Now you have the idea... multiple that by a magnitude of ten...enhance...enhance...enhance...enhance...there ya go thats the image I am looking for.
I think my bro Trapper described Karnevel the best, really got to the heart of it, when he prophecied about the pinnacle of the celebration which is Rosenmontag "Rosenmonatag means rose monday, or is a corrupted version of rasenmontag meaning crazy monday and either way it is the moday preceeding ash wednesday and the start of lent. Its the highlight of karneval and the german version of Mardigras..........But in laymans terms quite literally means "PARTY!!!!!!"
Well done Trap, I couldn't have put it more elegantly myself.
A wise man once told me that Germany has five seasons: Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter, and Karneval. I would like to counter this statement with it has only four: Oktoberfest, SimJÜ, Karneval, and Rain. When each season ends the countdown to the next begins except for the rain thats an everyday, all year round thing. It is simply the glue that holds everything together I guess. Comic relief...maybe.
Since this part of Germany shuts down completely after work Thursday and reopens again on Wednesday we did not have a game this weekend. We had a different itinerary.
- Man Party Friday Night (Men Only)
- Party Saturday Night
- Pajama Party Sunday Night (Unable to attend because of this work thing I have ot get up for at 7 am)
- Rosenmontag Parade and Party All DAY LONG (or as long as your party shoes hold up, somes lasted longer than others) (also only to attend after work)
Here is a little collection of some of the craziness that is Karneval in Werne. For even more pictures check out the NEWSPAPER'S PICTURES
Sunday, February 7, 2010
We won this last Saturday convincingly 103-68. I will do a game recap late
I have successfully put most of the games that I have online. You can simply watch them online and do not have to download anything. I think the best way to watch them is to press play and wait for the video to start. Once it starts, press pause and go do something for 10-15 minutes. When you come back you should be able to watch the video straight through. The faster your internet connection the less you have to wait and vice versa.
Here are the links.......ENJOY!!!
vs. Hertener
vs. Herford
vs. Herne
vs. Dortmund
vs. Hagen Haspe
vs. Paderborn
vs. Citybasket Recklinghausen
So there you go, as more go online I will post them
If for some reason a link does not work, leave a comment and I will fix it
I have successfully put most of the games that I have online. You can simply watch them online and do not have to download anything. I think the best way to watch them is to press play and wait for the video to start. Once it starts, press pause and go do something for 10-15 minutes. When you come back you should be able to watch the video straight through. The faster your internet connection the less you have to wait and vice versa.
Here are the links.......ENJOY!!!
vs. Hertener
vs. Herford
vs. Herne
vs. Dortmund
vs. Hagen Haspe
vs. Paderborn
vs. Citybasket Recklinghausen
So there you go, as more go online I will post them
If for some reason a link does not work, leave a comment and I will fix it
Saturday, February 6, 2010
Newspaper Blog: Goals for 2010
Here is an article I wrote for a newspaper a few weeks back. Also, its gameday today. Don't know for sure if I am going to play, I tore some muscle fibers in my butt. The team we are playing is not very good so we should be alright. Check facebook later this afternoon for a score.
Guten Morgen, Guten Morgen, Guten Morgen Sonnenschein.
I do hope your morning is going well and the sun is shining because as I write the outside looks dark and dreary. And no I am not writing at night.
Since last week was a reflection on 2009 I think it’s a natural progression to look to the future and see what is in store for 2010. Since you are reading this, you successfully completed the maze of 2009. Now, have you taken the time to write directions for your world in 2010 or are you simply flying by the seat of your pants (terrible American expression meaning no direction at all, doing whatever, whenever, wherever)? Have you identified what you want to accomplish in 2010 and mapped out how you are going to get there or are you simply taking whatever is thrown at you?
Since I can only really speak for myself, here are my 8 goals/aspirations for 2010.
1. Floss consistently. I have a tendency to floss every once in awhile instead of everyday. Too much information? Probably!
2. Win a league championship. I think its time, don’t you? The town, the organization, and the fans deserve it. If you don’t believe me, you haven’t been to a game recently. Case and point: Sixth Man.
3. Read at least one book a month on various subjects. I believe constant learning and reflection are cornerstones to a productive and fulfilling life.
4. Play basketball in Australia. 2 words: Warm weather.
5. Expand my culinary skills.
6. Reduce the toxic load on my body. If you have not figured it out yet, I am kind of health nerd. Not kind of, I am. Environmental toxins are all around us especially in things we use and eat everyday. Not only are these harmful to our bodies but also to the environment. I need to continue to educate myself and make smarter consumer decisions. Not only for myself but for the environment and the generations to come.
7. Increase my German vocabulary and usage in everyday conversation. I am still looking for that tutor.
8. Be better at picking up after myself. My roommates might appreciate this one. Evidence of this shortcoming can be traced to my childhood in conjunction with my compassionate, caring, and willing along with being an only child.
Take a second to think about what you aspire to do in 2010. Now, how do you get there?
Guten Morgen, Guten Morgen, Guten Morgen Sonnenschein.
I do hope your morning is going well and the sun is shining because as I write the outside looks dark and dreary. And no I am not writing at night.
Since last week was a reflection on 2009 I think it’s a natural progression to look to the future and see what is in store for 2010. Since you are reading this, you successfully completed the maze of 2009. Now, have you taken the time to write directions for your world in 2010 or are you simply flying by the seat of your pants (terrible American expression meaning no direction at all, doing whatever, whenever, wherever)? Have you identified what you want to accomplish in 2010 and mapped out how you are going to get there or are you simply taking whatever is thrown at you?
Since I can only really speak for myself, here are my 8 goals/aspirations for 2010.
1. Floss consistently. I have a tendency to floss every once in awhile instead of everyday. Too much information? Probably!
2. Win a league championship. I think its time, don’t you? The town, the organization, and the fans deserve it. If you don’t believe me, you haven’t been to a game recently. Case and point: Sixth Man.
3. Read at least one book a month on various subjects. I believe constant learning and reflection are cornerstones to a productive and fulfilling life.
4. Play basketball in Australia. 2 words: Warm weather.
5. Expand my culinary skills.
6. Reduce the toxic load on my body. If you have not figured it out yet, I am kind of health nerd. Not kind of, I am. Environmental toxins are all around us especially in things we use and eat everyday. Not only are these harmful to our bodies but also to the environment. I need to continue to educate myself and make smarter consumer decisions. Not only for myself but for the environment and the generations to come.
7. Increase my German vocabulary and usage in everyday conversation. I am still looking for that tutor.
8. Be better at picking up after myself. My roommates might appreciate this one. Evidence of this shortcoming can be traced to my childhood in conjunction with my compassionate, caring, and willing along with being an only child.
Take a second to think about what you aspire to do in 2010. Now, how do you get there?
Friday, February 5, 2010
Our House, in the middle of the street, Our House
So Tramaine skipped work today because he is
a) lazy
b) sick
c) smart to pretend he is sick so he can be lazy
How does Tramaine staying home benefit you? Well, he just threw up on his blog a little MTV Cribs photo op edition of our house. Its way easier for me to link you to his blog then try and do one myself. Maybe in the spring look forward to a video version, but remember we are lazy with our freetime, movies or 24 might get in the way. Remember underpromise and overdeliver.
Check it out HERE
a) lazy
b) sick
c) smart to pretend he is sick so he can be lazy
How does Tramaine staying home benefit you? Well, he just threw up on his blog a little MTV Cribs photo op edition of our house. Its way easier for me to link you to his blog then try and do one myself. Maybe in the spring look forward to a video version, but remember we are lazy with our freetime, movies or 24 might get in the way. Remember underpromise and overdeliver.
Check it out HERE
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
Snowballs and Basketballs
Good Morning Everyone (and I dont care if you are reading this in the afternoon)
I woke up this morning to a nice dusting of snow today felt almost like I was back in the M. The weather here on the other hand is perfection for snowball making. Speaking of snowballs, we got into an impromtu scuffle on Sunday before one our meals at a sponsoring restaurant. We decided why not blast some kids outside who were having a battle of their own. 3 vs 12, I like our odds.
The battle was swift, tactical, and glorious. We came at them with brut force and impressive speed. Eliminated our targets then retreated to higher ground. We contiunued this assault until the enemy was beaten and bloody or until our hands were too cold to pack any more snowballs.
"What Trevor?"
Greatest literarý transition EVER.
TV Wernne traveled to Ibbenbüren this last weekend for a "thought to be" uncomfortable match-up. The game was anything but uncomfortable for TVW as they picked up a 109-77 win on road. TVW would score right off the tip on a nice connection from Wittwer to Haywood for an easy finish. From that point on there was no looking back. After the first quarter TVW lead by 7, 27:20, due to a slow start defensively. They would fix their mistakes in the second and blow the game wide open extending the 17 point lead to 27 at halftime, 59:32.
The second half would bring much of the same as TVW pushed their lead to 37 at one point through a barrage of 3 pointer, fast break dunks, and precise passing against the deflated Ibbenbüren zone. A couple uncontested lay-ups by Ibbenbüren late would put the final at 109:77. Daniel Freienstein saw very limited minutes all night as he is recovering from a pinched nerve in his back. The TVW reserves recieved significant minutes again tonight and took full advantage with multiple players scoring in double digits lead by Wittwer with 42.
I did after the game find the willpower to fight my way through all the ladies swarming Aaron to get a few words.
"Great game tonight Mr. Aaron, what are your thoughts on the nice win TVW earned tonight?"
"We knew what we had to do tonight, we had to come out with alot of energy and dominate the game from the start. After a slow defensive start in the 1st, I think we took the wind out of their sails in the second and from then on it was game over."
Well put Mr. Aaron, and I have one more question, what happened on that breakaway dunk in the 1st half. I think the ball landed in the 3rd row of the stands?"
"Well, you know what the outlet pass from Wittwer was a little short...."
"I saw the play the outlet pass was perfect."
"It was a little short."
"Could not have been any better."
"Agree to disagree, but because of the short outlet pass I think I just got too high and tried to put too much sauce on it. You know when you put too much sauce on your sweet and sour chicken and it just doesn't turn out right.
"You can never have too much sauce on sweet and sour chicken and the pass was perfect!"
"How about too much ketchup on a hot dog?"
"Not really following you here..."
"Well, I just tried to be too dirty with it!"
"I tried to force the ball too aggressively through the cylinder in the basketball world we call a rim and simply threw it off the back quandrant of the circle."
In accordance with the mid fourth quarter prophecy proclaimed from Mersch's father, Mersch scored the 99 and 100th points with two free throws late in the game. This excitement lead to a less than stellar post game breakdown by Mersch.
Newspaper Article Links
I guess Ibbenbüren puts some video up after games, not too exciting but video none the less so check this out
I spoke with Tyler Kaus a few days ago and he assured me he would get Gustavus Men's Basketball back on track. That was exactly the reassurance I needed to hear Mr. Kaus, your my boy blue.
I woke up this morning to a nice dusting of snow today felt almost like I was back in the M. The weather here on the other hand is perfection for snowball making. Speaking of snowballs, we got into an impromtu scuffle on Sunday before one our meals at a sponsoring restaurant. We decided why not blast some kids outside who were having a battle of their own. 3 vs 12, I like our odds.
The battle was swift, tactical, and glorious. We came at them with brut force and impressive speed. Eliminated our targets then retreated to higher ground. We contiunued this assault until the enemy was beaten and bloody or until our hands were too cold to pack any more snowballs.
"You know what the worst thing about having a snowball fight without gloves is?"
"What Trevor?"
"Well let me tell you. It's not how cold your hands get during the fight, it's when you get back inside and your hands start to warm up again. The pain is soooo great but its soothed by the sweet smell of victory"
Greatest literarý transition EVER.
The Sweet Smell of Victory

The second half would bring much of the same as TVW pushed their lead to 37 at one point through a barrage of 3 pointer, fast break dunks, and precise passing against the deflated Ibbenbüren zone. A couple uncontested lay-ups by Ibbenbüren late would put the final at 109:77. Daniel Freienstein saw very limited minutes all night as he is recovering from a pinched nerve in his back. The TVW reserves recieved significant minutes again tonight and took full advantage with multiple players scoring in double digits lead by Wittwer with 42.
I did after the game find the willpower to fight my way through all the ladies swarming Aaron to get a few words.
"Great game tonight Mr. Aaron, what are your thoughts on the nice win TVW earned tonight?"
"We knew what we had to do tonight, we had to come out with alot of energy and dominate the game from the start. After a slow defensive start in the 1st, I think we took the wind out of their sails in the second and from then on it was game over."
Well put Mr. Aaron, and I have one more question, what happened on that breakaway dunk in the 1st half. I think the ball landed in the 3rd row of the stands?"
"Well, you know what the outlet pass from Wittwer was a little short...."
"I saw the play the outlet pass was perfect."
"It was a little short."
"Could not have been any better."
"Agree to disagree, but because of the short outlet pass I think I just got too high and tried to put too much sauce on it. You know when you put too much sauce on your sweet and sour chicken and it just doesn't turn out right.
"You can never have too much sauce on sweet and sour chicken and the pass was perfect!"
"How about too much ketchup on a hot dog?"
"Not really following you here..."
"Well, I just tried to be too dirty with it!"
"I tried to force the ball too aggressively through the cylinder in the basketball world we call a rim and simply threw it off the back quandrant of the circle."
"Thanks Mr. Aaron, its always great chatting with you."

Aaron was a little disappointed by this aspect of Mersch's game. "He's young, he's learning, but seriously come on Lukas." This was in response to the post game celebration when Mersch was instructed to breakdown the huddle, he responded with an emphatic "WHAT TIME IS IT!!!!" No Lukas, that is what we do BEFORE the game how about TEAM ON 3, 1 2 3 TEAM.
Young Mersch was correct in his own right. What time is it? Time to go home. So long, farewell auf wiedersehen, good-bye. Good-bye! Good-bye! Gooooooood-bye!!
Newspaper Article Links
I guess Ibbenbüren puts some video up after games, not too exciting but video none the less so check this out
I spoke with Tyler Kaus a few days ago and he assured me he would get Gustavus Men's Basketball back on track. That was exactly the reassurance I needed to hear Mr. Kaus, your my boy blue.
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