Spring is in the air, at least between the rain drops it is. All the snow has melted and I am back to a dreary world. Good thing I take my vitamin D. Speaking of Vitamin D, it is going to be the next biggest thing since fish oil (i hope i dont need to talk to you about taking fish oil). Its actually not even a vitamin but a steroid hormone. Get your levels checked and optimize baby, your physical, mental, and emotional states will thank you. All the info you need to know is right HERE
Wundergut Morgen Werne (Yes, I know “wundergut” is not a word in the dictionary but I invented it last weekend and I like it so sue me.)
I would first like to place a clause on my writing today. I cannot take credit for coming up with this idea. I stole it from a Facebook message my cousin, King David, sent me earlier today. The scenario he proposed and his evaluation prompted my writing today. The writing is original, the idea is not so much.
If you had 1 billion dollars and you spent 1000 dollars a day, how long would it take you to spend all your money? Take a second to think about it.
2749 YEARS.
Think about it, that is well over 35 lifetimes. Now, if you spend 1000 a day everyday of your life until you were 70, how much money would you need?
25.2 million dollars.
Yes 25.2 million dollars seems like a lot of money. Explain to me then how people who are making this or even a quarter of this are going broke? Believe me, it is happening all around you everyday.
I can only think of one explanation pure greed (and probably a terrible financial advisor).
People get caught up in the who’s who in life and imprisoned by shiny things. They live outside their means. On the outside everything looks great, big house and nice car, but on the inside is turmoil. Getting caught up in the never ending cycle of debt, things, and wants is very easy and extremely debilitating.
In my short time here on this earth I have come to a few conclusions. I would rather do the job of my dreams and make little than hate my job and make a lot. I believe the money will come if the passion and persistence is there.
It’s the everyday things in life that add up to a lot. Everyone loves hitting the jackpot but true joy comes from the mastery of everyday things. It comes from the people we come into contact with everyday; it comes from our families, our spouse, or our best friend. It comes from overcoming obstacles, facing adversity, or learning a new skill. That piece of paper issued by the government is simply a tool, not an end all be all.
Let your passions be your guide and not your paycheck. You make the money don’t let it make you.
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