A lot has happened in the past few weeks so I will start with the most important, our last game against Hagen-Haspa. Last Saturday we unfortunately received our first loss of the season. Honestly, I feel like we are a better team than them its just they beat us down the floor too many times and we gave up way too many easy buckets in transition. They had three international players two I believe from Canada and one from America who did everything for their team.
Excitement had been building all week for this game. This is another club who wants to move up the 1.Regionallia leage. The game was so big that our club decided to arrange a fan bus to Hagen for the players and whichever fans wanted to go along. It felt more like college getting on a coach bus and driving to the game. I have never rode to a game on a fan's bus but it was definitely entertaining. Our fans really are a riot. One time the bus driver killed the bus (because naturally everything is a stick in Europe) and the entire bus errupted with chants and cheers. This was how it was all the way to the game.
We arrived at Hagen good and early to a pretty nice gym. The gyms in Hagen tend to look identical to each other so I had to do a double take to find out where I was. Those tricky Germans try to fool you every once in awhile too. Case and point I thought they had a wood floor but it was only wood colored rubber (you almost got me Germany, I get a college education for nothing Trevor 1 Germans 0). The stands were elevated about 10 feet off the floor and our fans definately outnumbered theirs 3 to 1. For only about 30 or 40 of them they can sure make a lot of noise. It could be the 3 or 4 drums they bring to every game but thats just my opinion. Drums at basketball games plus 1 Germans (Trevor 1 Germans 1).
We started the game HOT, I mean if you stuck your hand on a stove hot! We scored on our first 4 possessions and had a 10-0 lead. We kept this momentum throughout the first quater. No one was in any real foul troube yet (foreshadow) and we had a 29-19 lead. In the second quarter we did a complete 180. We were running around like a bunch of chickens with our heads cut off. Chickens that were getting hacked when they went to the hoop. We scored 8 points to their 22 and found ourselves down at halftime. Not to mention yours truely had 4 fouls although I thought I only had three until I sat down at the bench and looked up at the scoreboard, DANG IT. I died a little inside. Coach had told us the week before that the refs were going to do everything to keep Hagen in the game and that very apparent almost too apparent. In the second quarter we could not get a call unless someone picked us up bodyslammed us then proceeded to jump up and down on our chests. May be a slight exaggeration but you get the point.
A single play defines the officiating of the night. We were shooting a free throw and miss. The ball comes off to Matt's side. He has a man in front of him so he reaches around and pokes the ball out. The ball clearly goes off a Hagen player. I mean the ball changed directions and goes out of bounds. The ref gives the ball to Hagen and his rationalization is that he should have called a foul on Matt so to make up for it he just gave the ball to Hagen. The thing is he DIDNT call a foul on Matt and the ball DID deflect off a Hagen player and go out of bounds. WOW!! Ok enough ranting back to the game.
The second half began and we still struggled to find any rhythm in the game. We probably had over 20 turnovers in the game and we were giving up really easy buckets. Now we were running around like a bunch of chickens with our heads cut off with tired legs. They were simply beating us down the floor each time and they had a guy who could sky (translation: can jump really really high). I distinctly remember one play. I was watching the point guard bring the ball up uncontested then I saw him throw a sky rocket pass towards the baseline. I turn around to this guy flying through the air head probably going to hit the rim grabbing the ball with his left hand outstretched behind him and flushing it home. I almost clapped for that man but instead just said respect and ran back down the floor.
I managed to make it all the way to the fourth quarter without picking up a foul until about 7 minutes left in the game. I guess they felt it was time for me to take a seat for the rest of the game. I don't think there is anything more frustrating than fouling out or even playing with four fouls. It completely changes the way you play and severely limits the aggressiveness one can have. No more fouling out. I am stating it right here to the public. No more. (at least not for a while :) )
As for the rest of the team Matt and Tremaine both played well dropping 20 spots (translation: scored 20 points). I had an off night only scoring 16 or 18 depending on the paper that you look at (thats Germany for ya Trevor 1 Germany 2). I just want to be able to play the whole game again. No more fouls remember. I really think if I say it enough the basketball gods will look favorably upon me and let a few slide next time.
Well they started to pull away late in the second half and that about did it. Our legs were tired and in a way we had just given up. The game was out of reach. If coach is reading this please don't kill our legs the day before a game a

I have a picture that pretty much sums up our day. In the picture I am going up for a lay-up and the jumper from Hagen is rising above me about ready to volleyball spike my ball into the floor. It may have left a dent in the floor I don't remember. You know what I said after this happened (for the second time) its still our ball :) .
Just for the record if I didn't already have four fouls and scared to even touch anybody lest I pick up my five I would have tried to HAMMER it on him. Maybe next time. We will definitely meet again Mr. Hagen-Haspa. Next time at our place. Until then sleep tight.
Germany 3 Trevor 1 Game Over (but only for tonight my Melanzana Riccha is waiting)
Until next time I leave you with a thought to ponder "Why do they have Braille on drive-thru ATMS."
Ciao Ciao
Nathan and I say hi--everytime I check your blog I end up laughing (alot!).
Weather here is rainy so obviously no harvesting going on. The wet corn has been bagged and the beans are out and all baled. Still have all the rest of the corn to go and all the baling of corn stalks. Mark has sold quite a few big cattle and the babies are coming in - 92 yesterday.
believe it or not, the RWF football team made it to the second round of play-offs the Gazette calls it the cinderella team. The coaches have really made the team turn around. From the beginning of the season to now is unbelievable.
Bruce and Lori and the kids were out last weekend to do some riding with your mom. Unfortunately I was down with the flu over my MEA break!
What's the weather like over there?? Frankly, I wonder how much longer before we get snow here.
Vikings games are not as much fun without you. It is not fun bashing players and coaches by himself! Nathan says we miss our "trevie"!
Hi Trevor,
I read the first TWO words and I knew it was SETH! He knows me in 3 and I know him in 2...just for the record!
WA....H..HHH!!! First loss? I guess it had to happen at some point.
I to, find myself laughing and laughing some more at your vivid descriptions! Makes me think I am there on some level!
Auntie Kristi
Hey Trevor,
Happy Belated Birthday! I had planned on sending you another kiddie birthday card but just didn't get it done this year, as some stuff came up like trying to keep up with your mom on the dance floor!
Hey, what do you think of the Suns this year? Should be an interesting seasom.
Oh check out Michelle and King's web site at therealkingdavid.com. They would like to join you over there, but not sure if and when.
Again, Happy Birthday
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