Thanks for stopping by. Take a look around and sift through all the awkwardness that is living and playing basketball in Germany. You get to experience everything without the awkward turtle. Consider yourself lucky. Enjoy!


Friday, April 3, 2009

Let there be Sunshine

This might be a new record for nice days in a row since I have been in Germany. I think the count is at four. I even changed cities and its continues to be nice. I think when the weather is nice people seem happier too. I have written previously about how sometimes I feel people are cold (not in a bad sense but rather simply as a social descriptor) here in Germany and it makes me think that it is because the weather is so dreary much of the time. Today I was proven wrong by the German people. There is nothing like a little sunshine to brighten up your day. Plus, the sun is really good for you as well, more to come on that later. Ever wonder why so many people get sick during the winter? Do you realize how little quality sun exposure people get in the winter? Is disease and lack of sun simply a coincidence? Research is starting to say NO. If you are interested in this topic and especially that of Vitamin D check out Dr. Mercola and search sunlight or vitamin D. This will provide reading for hours if you so choose, and do take your computer on the sunshine deck to read.

Well I had some free time today and I just decided I was going to write and let it take me where it will. Probably not the most productive way of attacking things but I dont have a lot to do so why not. My creative juices are flowing so I think I am going to just get to it. It turns out my babble in the beginning has sparked my next fitness/health tip: SUNLIGHT.

Lets start by talking about a major stimulus of sunlight that is essential to our existence on this earth as humans, vitamin D. Vitamin D is beginning to emerge in the lay community as an essential component to health. Reasearch is beginning to pile up on its ability to both combat and prevent disease. The main function taught in textbooks for Vitamin D is to help regulate normal blood levels of calcium and phosphorus. It aids in the absorption of calcium to form and maintain strong, healthy bones.

As more research is done Vitamin D is beginning to emerge as a key player in many other processes in the body not simply the optimization of bone health. Not only has this vitamin been shown to combat cancer but also correlated to the following conditions:
  • Diabetes
  • Heart Disease
  • Arthritis
  • Infertility and PMS
  • Fatigue, Depression, and Seasonal Affective Disorder
  • Autoimmune Diseases
  • Obesity
  • Syndrome X

If you think that by drinking milk (if you want to hear a rant ask me my thoughts about mainstream milk) and simply taking your vitamins that you are safe, think again. The type of vitamin in these substances or supplements is usually Vitamin D2 which is synthetic. It is not as potent as the Vitamin D3 you recieve from sunlight or natural foods such as cod liver oil. D3 is what is made by your body when it is exposed to sunlight.

The easiest and probably tastiest way (cod liver oil is no pina colada) to get your Vitamin D to optimal levels and improve your health is simply get some sunlight. Humans may think they know a lot but Mother Nature has been around for much longer than we have and it seems that all we need to do is step into the light.

°°sorry for no pictures, I am not on my own computer

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