Thanks for stopping by. Take a look around and sift through all the awkwardness that is living and playing basketball in Germany. You get to experience everything without the awkward turtle. Consider yourself lucky. Enjoy!


Saturday, October 17, 2009

Safe Arrival

Guten Tag

I arrived in Germany and I actually gotta run to the store to buy some food so I am going to make this short and put a longer one up later. We won last night by like 25. One of my bags got left in Amsterdam so I didn't have any basketball shoes. Tremaine had an extra pair that were about a size too small so I ran with those. I can't say my toes felt good after the game.

Well, I just wanted to say I arrived at our new place and am hoping my bag comes today but right now I need to get to the grocery store.


1 comment:

Trapper said...

Glad you made it safe and the game went well. Hope you bag shows up, I'm sure you don't want to play another game in shoes that are too small! You'll have to try logging into the slinger soon.. it should be ready to roll on this end! Let me know if you have any issues and I'll either try to get down there and fix it or walk the old man through it!