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Monday, January 5, 2009

From End to Beginning

Hello Everyone.


I am currently sitting in the Vienna Airport as I have been for the past five hours with a highly anticipated and invigorating 3 hours to go. After finishing a book and playing multiple games of hearts I felt the need to do something else. I had planned on blogging about my trip around southern Europe, lo and behold the perfect opportunity to this arose during my airport dilemma. Wait, no internet. Solution: Microsoft Word and copy & paste.


I am going to begin at the end then go back to the beginning hopefully splitting up cities into different posts to ease the readers eye and the writers mind. Well with our navigation tool in place let's start at the end.


I woke up this morning like most mornings on this trip wishing I didn't have to stay in another hostel bed. My prayers were answered today but in return I had to sit in an airport for eight hours. All is good until I talk to my companion and find out she can't get her credit card to work and her flight that leaves in 2 and half hours is not fully funded. Nothing can be accomplished on an empty stomach so I head down to a hearty European breakfast of ham, cheese, bread, and museli (oh and a little bit of fruit too and actually some cut up peppers which was a nice surprise) as Anna runs to the ATM hoping to pay for the flight in cash.


After I got done eating breakfast Anna tells me that she cannot take out enough money at the ATM to pay for her flight. Stupid bank procedures that protect us against fraudulent charges. Now we had another problem, not enough money (so we thought) for the flight. After multiple calls to the credit company a stressful situation arose with very few answers. We may not have to be able to pay for this booked flight. We decided to just head to the airport as her unpaid flight departed in 2 hours. Anna and airports are not a good combination. After having missed one flight with Anna I had visions of another.


We got to the airport and to the ticket counter. Anna didn't remember exactly how expensive the flight was so it was a nice surprise to find out we were only 120 Euros short. Luckily in my wallet I had 150 Euros so I gave Anna 120 and she managed to get on her flight. I know this because I watched her walk out of the airport onto the transport bus so barring any catastrophe with the bus she made it on the plane. This was at 10:30 which left me in the airport until 7 pm when my flight leaves. I have seen a lot of people come and go that's for sure.


I may or may not make it home but if this makes it to the internet I must of made it home. I have 25 Euros in my pocket and have to buy a train ticket and bus ticket to get me to my doorstep once I depart my aviation adventures.


I indeed did make it home after a long and eventful journey. After missed trains, delayed trains, cold railway waiting and finally a trek through the snow I showed up on my doorstep at about 5:30am. In the end I made some killer snow people in the Dusseldorf train station and improved my snowball throwing skills in the Dortmund train station and finally improved my snowy navigation skills as I trekked across Werne during the early morning blizzard.

1 comment:

Alicia said...

Oh Trevor...what experiences you have :)