Thanks for stopping by. Take a look around and sift through all the awkwardness that is living and playing basketball in Germany. You get to experience everything without the awkward turtle. Consider yourself lucky. Enjoy!


Monday, January 5, 2009

Home Sweet Home

I had a long travel day which gave me lots of time to write. Lots of content to be hitting the blog today or tomorrow. Right now I have to work a basketball camp.


Alicia said...

Well Trevor, it looks like your little cousin Alicia has your old Monte Carlo...Now the car is mine :) One question for you though...when was the last time that car was cleaned out??? Yes I had much fun cleaning it...and you can thank me later for returning all of your belongings...and your house...your mom has it now :). Is there anything else I should know about this car??? like other money stashes??? yes I found the $100 dollars in the book that tells you about the car....youre lucky I'm nice :D
<3 Alicia

Alicia said...

OH yes and I must tell you that the RVHS boys bball team suffered their first loss of the season to I believe it was Sibley was a tough game :( more reason for revenge I guess :)